How You Can Help
These three youths from the Bengal village of Belari will now attend school, thanks to a program begun by the Lapierres to educate girls and women in 1,000 of Bengal's' poorest villages. |
You can:
Financially support this organization.
Spread the message, in family, at your work, at your children's schools, in your church's community...
Offer Dominique Lapierre's books to your friends.
- Rescuing, curing, feeding, clothing, schooling, and training 1 child suffering from leprosy for one year costs US $300.
- Digging one drinking water tube well in the saline areas of the Ganges delta costs an average of US $500 to $2,000.
- Curing 10 TB patients cost US $200.
More Reasons to Donate
Contacts for Donations
Address in United States
U.S. taxpayers can send their tax-deductible contribution to:
City of Joy Aid, Inc.
Care of: Marie B. Allizon
9501 4th Place
Lorton, VA 22079, USA
Fax: +1 (703) 734-6956
E-mail: [email protected]
Taxpayer Identification Number: 54-1566941
Address in France
Europeans who are not taxpayers in the UK or Italy should use the address in France. Draft your check to the order of:
Action pour les Enfants des Lépreux de Calcutta
Mail your check to:
Action pour les Enfants des Lépreux de Calcutta
(Action Aid for Lepers' Children of Calcutta)
Care of Dominique & Dominique Lapierre
Valderian, F-83350 Ramatuelle, France
Fax: +33 (0)4 94 97 38 05
E-mail: [email protected]
For banking transfers, here are the bank account details:
Agency Paris Kléber
51, Avenue Kléber - F-75116 Paris - France
Bank Code: 30004 - Agency Code: 00892
RIB: 30004 00892 00001393127 21
IBAN: FR76 3000 4008 9200 0013 9312 721
Beneficiary Account N�: 01393127
Address in UK
UK taxpayers can send their tax-deductible contribution to:
Dominique Lapierre City of Joy Aid, England
Care of Mrs. Kathryn Spink
Coachman's Cottage, Horsham Road,
South Holmwood, Dorking, Surrey RH5 4L2, UK
E-mail: [email protected]
For banking transfers, here are the bank account details:
Bank: HSBC
Branch: 418 Ewell Road, Tolworth, Surbiton, Surrey KT6 7HJ, ENGLAND
Sort Code: 40-44-19
IBAN: GB16MIDL40441961302914
BIC/Swift code: MIDLGB2159T
Beneficiary Account N�: 61302914
Address in Italy
Italian taxpayers can send their tax-deductible contribution to:
Associazione per i Bambini dei Lebbrosi di Calcutta (ONLUS)
Via Guicciardini 15, Firenze 50125, Italy
Tel./Fax: +39 (055) 28 97 37
Conto Corrente Postale 10043503
For banking transfers, here are the bank account details:
CREDEM (Credito Emiliano SPA)
Via Lorenzo il Magnifico, 74, I-50129 Firenze, Italia
Beneficiary Account N�: 01000 0003 389/5
IBAN : IT 24 T 03032 02801 010000003389
Address in India
Indian taxpayers can send their tax-deductible contribution to:
Dominique Lapierre City of Joy Foundation
Mail your check to:
Dominique Lapierre City of Joy Foundation
Care of Mr. Francis Wacziarg
A-58 Nizamuddin East, New Delhi-110 013, India
care of Mr. Francis Wacziarg and Mrs Priti Jain
Tel: +91 11 40 775 177
Fax: +91 11 40 775 151
E-mail: [email protected]
Donations exempted U/S 80G of the Income Tax Act, 1961
For banking transfers, here are the bank account details:
For local donations :
Hansalya Bldg, 15 Barakhamba Road, New Delhi 110 001, India
Beneficiary Account N�: 316848
For foreign donations only:
1st Floor, East Tower (Sood Towers), Barakhamba Road, New Delhi 110 001, India
Beneficiary Account N�: FCRA A/C N� 09065060110025579
Intent to Donate
If you would like to make a donation but do not have your checkbook available, please let us know.